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Queer Screen latest eNews is out! Click on the links below to read about: "Kill Your Darlings" preview screening, Queer Screen trivia fundraiser, Sydney Festival Competition "How to Survive a Plague" free screening, "Sexing the Transman" screening, Opera Australia's New Year's Eve "Out in the...

Queer Screen latest eNews is out! Click on the links below to read about: Festival Director announced, "Kill Your Darlings" preview screening, Queer Screen trivia, My Queer Career deadline, ACON Red Ribbon Appeal, "The Trouble with E" call for extras   View eNews online here or download...

Queer Screen is proud to present a special preview screening of KILL YOUR DARLINGS thanks to Sony Pictures. Before the movie Queer Screen's new Festival Director, Paul Struthers, will also announce ten of the films scheduled to play at the Mardi Gras Film Festival this February,...

The inaugural Queer Screen Film Fest 2013 will take place from Thursday 19th to Sunday 22nd September 2013. WHEN WHERE WHAT NOTES Thursday 19 - 7PM Dendy Newtown "Stranger By the Lake" - SOLD OUT Opening Night Friday 20 -     7PM Newtown Hotel "But I'm A Cheerleader" SOLD OUT Caravan opens at 6PM Friday 20 -     9PM Newtown...