04 Mar 2021 Round 6 Completion Fund Winner Announced
Queer Screen is thrilled to announce that Thirty (season 2) received $5,000 in funding on the Closing Night of Mardi Gras Film Festival 2021. Congratulations!
Thirty (Season 2)
Director: Leah Pellinkhof
Producers: Tricia Morosin, Rachel Higgins, Sarah De Possesse, Madeline Macrae
Thirty is about four women in Sydney, stumbling through their thirties and trying to get their shit together. Season 2 picks up where Season 1 left us—with a total cliff hanger! We see their friendships tested, as they tackle issues of loyalty, infidelity, infertility and everything in between.
Due to the impacts of COVID-19 on independent filmmaking in 2020, Queer Screen also announced on Closing Night that an additional round of the Completion Fund will open in April with up to $15,000 in funding to be award. Find out more about the Queer Screen Completion Fund and keep up to date with filmmaker news by subscribing to our filmmaker enews.