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Unusually Normal

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Seven women, three generations, one family – and countless secrets and lies. Meet Canada’s Gayest Family, which includes Sydney expat Janice Moore.

A heartwarming documentary spanning from the 1940s to today, it follows the lives of two lesbian grandmothers, four lesbian mothers and one lesbian granddaughter, all in the same family. Through interviews, archival footage (including remarkable footage from the 1960s Australian Gay Olympics) and viral TikToks (their account boasts over 170,000 followers), this extraordinary family shares their journey from hidden relationships to living proudly and openly, highlighting the similarities (and differences) between three generations of gay women.

Australian Premiere

Rated 4.9 out of 5 by our Sydney Audience and Runner Up in the Audience Award for Best Documentary!

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About Unusually Normal
  • Community

  • Director

    Colette Johnson-Vosberg
  • Writer

    Colette Johnson-Vosberg
  • Cast

    Karen Ford Linda Ford Madison Ford Janice Moore Cathy Lebel Anna Lamanna Tracey Peters
  • Program Strand

    Preserving our History QueerDOC
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