28 Apr Special event screening for IDAHOBIT 2022
Special Event with Queer Screen for IDAHOBIT 2022
We’re doing a special screening to celebrate and bring awareness to International Day Against LGBTQIA+ Discrimination (IDAHOBIT) for 2022.
Small Town Pride
In a small town, no matter where you are in the world, there is little anonymity when it comes to pride. Small Town Pride is an intimate, moving and honest journey through existing as a queer person in Alberta, Nova Scotia and other Northwest Territories of Canada. From teenagers giving a tour of the local high school, to queer elders talking about the history of prejudice and acceptance in the town, it’s clear there is both a long way travelled and further to go, but there is a growing, proud and strong community of queer and straight allies there to pave the way for a better future.
This year, we’re screening Small Town Pride on Tuesday 17 May at 7pm at Event Cinemas George St.
It will also be available to rent On Demand for the week of IDAHOBIT (16-22 May) with a 72-hour playback window once you press play. Both films have closed captions available On Demand as well.
Also screening with the short film:
Dragged Up
A gorgeous, funny coming-of-age in which a shy teenage misfit uses the art of drag to find the confidence she needs to show her family who she truly is.
Dragged Up was the winner of the Audience Award for Best Short at the Mardi Gras Film Festival 2022. Definitely one not to be missed!

Panel: The Importance of Small Town Pride
Live Stream on Thursday 19 May 7pm on Facebook and YouTube
Join Festival Director, Lisa Rose as she chats to some champions of LGBTIQ+ small town pride about the important work they and their organisations are doing in their communities, including Holly Conroy from Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras, Glitta Supernova from Coastal Twist Festival and Tiger Bird from Albany Pride.
Watch on Facebook here and Youtube here on Thursday night.