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Trans & Gender Diverse Shorts

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Featuring Lío Mehiel (Mutt, MGFF24) and the voice of Ian McKellen, this collection of shorts explores the many facets of trans and gender diverse lives.

Patricia in the Dark
Born into a world where the word “transgender” didn’t exist, 92 year-old Patricia spent most of her life constraining her true identity to the safety of photography darkrooms, until she opened up to her wife.

Just Kim
An undocumented trans nanny longs to be open about his gender, but fears losing the emotional connection he has to the baby girl he cares for if her mother discovers his secret. International Premiere

A disgruntled old woman’s anger at her upstairs neighbour’s loud music is softened when they find a shared connection through fashion. Australian Premiere

Wrong Bathroom
A transgender high school student is pressured into a misogynistic conversation with his peers in order to be considered “one of the guys”. International Premiere

Rage Consumes Me
A poetic and provocative dive into being non-binary in today’s society, exploring anger and despair as your personhood and identity is stripped away. Australian Premiere

Holy Curse
During a visit to India, 11 year-old Radha grapples with their gender identity as their family subjects them to manipulative orthodox rituals, believing these will dispel an alleged ancestral curse affecting Radha's thoughts.

A young barber with a romantic interest in one of their clients decides to reveal their interest and a new side of themselves. Sydney Premiere

A poetic exploration of identity and self-discovery, using visual symbolism to depict one person’s (Lío Mehiel; Mutt, MGFF24) transformation into a man, their inner manifestation shedding their old skin to embrace their true identity. Australian Premiere

Sam's search for identity gets interrupted by a mysterious neighbourhood fox, voiced by Ian McKellen. Together they embark on a magical journey to discover the surprising things they might have in common, and how to celebrate their differences.

Content warning, see here.

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