18 Mar MGFF20 Tour Statement
18 March 2020: Queer Screen is postponing its remaining MGFF20 tour screenings, in response to the public health recommendations to help stop the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19).
We have been monitoring the situation closely, as have arts organisations around Australia and across the globe, and feel this is the right decision.
We are more than film festivals – Queer Screen is a family – and the health, safety and wellbeing of our staff, volunteers, members, supporters and the LGBTIQ+ community is our absolute priority.
Tour screenings
All remaining Mardi Gras Film Festival 2020 (MGFF20) screenings scheduled for Parramatta, Lismore, Newcastle and the Blue Mountains have been postponed until further notice.
We’re fully committed to bringing LGBTIQ+ stories to these communities as soon as we possibly can and would like to thank you for your support and understanding in the meantime.
We have been in touch with ticket holders and hope to share alternative screening sessions when it is safe to do so.
Further information
The Australian Government and NSW Government are frequently updating COVID-19 information and advice online and you can also call the Coronavirus hotline on 1800 020 080.
Our friends at ACON have developed a fact sheet for LGBTQI+ and HIV communities (PDF) and will be publishing more updates for the LGBTIQ+ community online, including the ACON website and Facebook page.
Keep calm and watch queer content!
Self-isolating and social distancing can be challenging. Follow our social media channels, particularly the Queer Screen page on Facebook, for tips on upcoming queer content you can watch at home on streaming sites and articles you can read online. We are keeping our eyes peeled for queer stories to share (you’re welcome!).
Stay safe everyone.
Queer Screen Board & Staff