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Ian Thorpe, Matthew Mitcham, Sally Shipard, Daniel Kowalski, Shelly Gorman-Sandie and Casey Conway will form a panel discussion about being elite gay athletes as part of the Mardi Gras Film Festival screening of Out to Win....

Bobby Goldmsith Foundation and Queer Screen are partnering to present three screenings of Desert Migration for World AIDS Day. Tickets will be available at venues in Byron Bay, Lismore and Newtown, Sydney. View the trailer Saved by the introduction of protease inhibitors in the mid-1990s, many HIV...

Queer Screen Film Fest 2015 highlights. Queer Screen were pleased to close the festival with the much anticipated Freeheld  (pictured above), starring Ellen Page and Julianne Moore. There were several Australian Premiere screenings, an Australian Showcase presentation of a new LGBTI film by Tony Ayres, some massive star-studded Hollywood...

TRANSMISSION: THE JOURNEY FROM AIDS TO HIV Wednesday 19 November, 7pm Event Cinemas George Street   Queer Screen, ACON and Positive Life NSW present a special event screening and panel. The screening will be introduced by Hon Jillian Skinner MP, Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research. All...

There's some big news for Australian film - and it's big news for My Queer Career! We are very proud that 2014 My Queer Career winner ALL GOD'S CREATURES won the Iris Prize this week. The Iris Prize, held in Cardiff, Wales, is the world's...

Our hugely successful Queer Screen Film Fest returned in 2014 bigger than ever. We were proud to reveal 11 sessions of great films screening between 17 and 21 September 2014 at Event Cinemas George Street and Dendy Newtown. Additional Free Events: In Conversation with Daniel Ribeiro FREE, Thursday 18 September, 5pm,...

Queer Screen is proud to present an exclusive preview screening of Yves Saint Laurent, thanks to Entertainment One Australia. Watch the trailer This fascinating film unveils the life of prolific French fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent. At just 21 years, Saint Laurent is called upon to run...

Queer Screen latest eNews is out! Click on the links below to read about: "Kill Your Darlings" preview screening, Queer Screen trivia fundraiser, Sydney Festival Competition "How to Survive a Plague" free screening, "Sexing the Transman" screening, Opera Australia's New Year's Eve "Out in the...

Queer Screen latest eNews is out! Click on the links below to read about: Festival Director announced, "Kill Your Darlings" preview screening, Queer Screen trivia, My Queer Career deadline, ACON Red Ribbon Appeal, "The Trouble with E" call for extras   View eNews online here or download...

Queer Screen is proud to present a special preview screening of KILL YOUR DARLINGS thanks to Sony Pictures. Before the movie Queer Screen's new Festival Director, Paul Struthers, will also announce ten of the films scheduled to play at the Mardi Gras Film Festival this February,...