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Ever thought of volunteering and haven’t? I mean I won’t know anyone, what to do and surely they would have enough volunteers already. I had all of those thoughts before volunteering at this year’s Mardi Gras Film Festival....

After 88 screenings and events – which included 20 sold-out sessions, six Australian feature films, three world premieres, visits from 14 international guests and countless local filmmakers – and with an audience of 18,000, the 25th Mardi Gras Film Festival came to a close last Thursday....

My Queer Career is Australia’s biggest queer short film prize. 2018 saw a fantastic line-up of films and $12,000 worth of cash and support to be won....

We are pleased to announce the recipients of 2018’s Queer Screen Completion fund. 2018 is the third year this fund has helped film makers to complete their films....

We asked, and you answered! We are very pleased to announce Queer Screen's Top 25 LGBTIQ Films of All Time. Brokeback Mountain Beautiful Thing The Adventures Of Priscilla Queen Of The Desert Carol Weekend Moonlight Shelter But I'm A Cheerleader Holding the Man God's Own Country ...

Natasha Negovanlis, an openly pansexual Canadian actress who gained notoriety for playing a lesbian vampire was just one of our guests in 2018....

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text] First 10 Films Now on Sale! Full Program out 10 January 2018 Queer Screen is proud to announce ten of the films we'll be screening during the upcoming 25th Mardi Gras Film Festival. Held between Thursday 15 February to Thursday...

Queer​ ​Screen​ ​has announced that it will fundraise for The Equality Campaign at the upcoming Queer Screen Film Fest, being held in Sydney next month. For every ticket sold, Queer Screen will donate one dollar to The Equality Campaign....